Dare to Lead
Operationalizing Your Values: An Example From Brené Brown Education and Research Group
We love examples when we’re trying out new processes, so here’s one from our organization, Brené Brown Education and Research Group. We share a few examples of the behaviors we expect from each other in Dare to Lead, but we’re giving you a few more here so you can get a better sense of what this looks like in action.
We are called to live into the following three values:
- Be brave.
- Serve the work.
- Take good care.
Each of these has been operationalized into behaviors that we are all held accountable for demonstrating. Each behavior is evaluated on a Likert scale (5 = Always to 1 = Never) by the employee and their manager separately, and then compared in a series of one-on-one conversations throughout the year. In these conversations we identify strengths and opportunities for growth, areas where people need coaching, and places where they might offer mentoring or help to others.