Dare to Lead
Operationalizing Your Values: A Reference List of Behaviors
To support companies looking to operationalize their values into skills-based behaviors that can be taught, observed, and evaluated, we have developed a bank of several hundred behaviors that ladder up to some of the most widely adopted organizational values.
The resource at right is a list of sample behaviors that have emerged from our research on daring leadership. While our behaviors list is extensive, you should feel free to add behaviors. Behaviors on the list often share similar wording or meaning so you can select the one that resonates for you and reflects your work culture.
Behaviors are categorized into several groupings:
- Showing Up
- Asking for Help
- Managing Commitments to Self and Others
- Rumbling with Tough Conversations, Risk-Taking, and Decision Making
- Developing Emotional Literacy
- Working with others
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Resetting after set-backs, disappointments, and failures
- Building Trust
- Maintaining Focus, Clarity, and Drive