" " indicates required fields Step 1 of 6 0% Please respond to the following questions by selecting the choice that most closely reflects your thoughts, feelings, or behaviors now – not what you’re working toward in the future. Please answer the questions honestly without overthinking. I avoid situations where I will feel emotionally exposed. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never Even when I feel good about what I have done, I notice when others have done things better. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never Even though I don't know how the end result might turn out, I still enjoy being creative. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I start my day thinking that I am exhausted and didn’t get enough sleep. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I take time each day to find some calm and quiet. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I pay attention to how I feel and try to take it easy on myself when I’m struggling. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I do what I’m supposed to instead of what I’m passionate about. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never When things are really difficult, I ask for help and connect with people who care about me. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never If I make a mistake, I feel incompetent. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I believe that what I do for a living has a purpose. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I try to find a balance between work and play. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I'm comfortable taking time off for rest, play, or self-care. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I am a resilient person – I can reset or bounce back pretty quickly after a tough experience. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I have identified and can name the values that are the most important to me. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I struggle with feelings of not having enough (money, time, love, etc.). Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never My behavior is influenced by what others might think of me. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never When things are going really well, I feel myself waiting for the other shoe to drop. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I can let loose in front of others even if they might think I’m being weird or different. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I laugh and have fun without being concerned about what others might think of me. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never When thinking about my skills and abilities, I compare myself to others. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never When I make a mistake I remind myself that everyone struggles from time to time. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I find myself worrying about things that I can’t control. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I’m willing to be emotionally vulnerable with other people. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I can find things to be grateful for even when I’m having difficulties. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never My success is measured by how many items I complete on my “to do” list. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I openly share my ideas and beliefs even if they’re unpopular. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I take time to be thankful for the small ordinary things that bring me joy. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I feel I should be doing something different with my life. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never There are many things I’d like to try but I'm uncomfortable taking risks. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never Creativity allows me to express my unique perspective without feeling the need to conform. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I’m unclear about the two or three values I hold most important. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I don’t like to be silly or goofy, because I am too concerned about how I might look to others. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I feel like there is value and meaning in my work. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I make time in my day to be still and think. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I am mindful about making daily choices that are in line with my values. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never When I make a mistake, I talk to myself like I’d talk to someone I love. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I’m true to myself. What you see is what you get. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I spend time worrying about what other people might think of me. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never When I’m feeling stressed, I comfort myself with behaviors like eating, drinking alcohol, time on the internet, or shopping. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I believe that all people are connected to each other in a meaningful way. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I struggle to make the changes in my life that I want to make. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I practice gratitude or show thanks for the good things in my life. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I’m tired and feel burned out. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I set high standards for myself, and I never seem to live up to my expectations. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I think it is important to build rest and playful activities into my daily life. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I can name the people in my life who help me stay in line with my values. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I spend hours on the computer or watching TV without getting any particular enjoyment out of it. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I have a hard time turning off my thoughts. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I am more likely to evaluate my accomplishments by comparing them to what other people accomplish versus measuring them against my own internal goals. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I fail to recognize when I am acting out of line with my values. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I feel anxious and overwhelmed. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I make choices without thinking through whether those choices are in line with my values. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I have good strategies for combating unnecessary worry. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I enjoy expressing my creativity. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I enjoy singing, dancing, and letting loose. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I’ll try something that feels meaningful to me even if it involves risk. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never It’s important for me to be cool and fit in. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I withhold my opinions, because I am concerned about how others will react. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I'm really hard on myself when I make a mistake or fail. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never I avoid doing new things if I think I might not do them well. Always Often About 50/50 Rarely Never